Letters to the Editor:
I’m for Virginia Stapleton
To the Editor:
I’m writing in support of Virginia Stapleton for House District 21. I got to know Virginia through my work advocating for the Salem Public Library funding. Since meeting Virginia, I have come to know her as a community member who truly cares about our livelihoods, safety, and rights. She has become a role model for me as a young single mother. She has shown me that we always have time and energy to give to making our communities a better place to live.
I am deeply troubled by the political history of Kevin Mannix in regards to a woman’s right to receive a safe abortion. I live in Oregon and acknowledge that the precedent has been that I will always be able to receive an abortion if I need one, however, every day it is becoming more evident that this is a freedom I need to fight to maintain. As recently as two months ago, Kevin Mannix was filmed for the TrumpforOregon2024 movement praising Donald Trump on his supreme court justice appointments (this is available to view on YouTube). As we know, these appointments resulted in the Dobbs decision, making receiving critical abortion care impossible for many women nationally. In 2023, Kevin Mannix voted against the Reproductive Health & Access to Care Act, a bill aimed at restoring the rights Oregonians had under Roe. Kevin Mannix called overturning abortion, “a correct decision” in a Facebook post on his own page following the Dobbs decision. He is funded by the far-right political action committee, Oregon Right To Life, a group known for spewing false medical information and religious propaganda. The reality is that he is not bluffing. If a bill to ban abortion was put before Kevin Mannix, he would absolutely vote to take away this right from all Oregonians.
Having options to plan my future includes access to reproductive care. Women across the nation and in Oregon deserve to have politicians who understand and respect the importance of family planning and fertility care. Virginia Stapleton supports my ability to choose my own future. As a single mom, I believe Stapleton will fight for the future of my family!
Kevin Mannix out of step with our district and out of step with voters across Oregon. He is too extreme for Salem Keizer. Please join me in voting for Virginia Stapleton to represent us in House District 21. I know she will fight to maintain reproductive rights for all Oregonians.
Jane Titchenal, Keizer
Vote for Parsons and Christopher
To the Editor:
I am writing to express my strong support for Lore Christopher for the position of Mayor and Marlene Parsons for Keizer City Council Position Number One. As a resident of Keizer and current Keizer City Councilor, I believe it is crucial for our city to focus on unity and experience as we move forward.
The current state of the Keizer City Council shows a deep fracture that has stifled our progress. This discord has been born out of a lack of trust and support among council members, which hampers our ability to serve the community effectively. To address our challenges and create a vision for a thriving Keizer, we need leaders who can foster collaboration and build bridges between differing viewpoints.
Lore Christopher brings a wealth of experience and a commitment to transparent governance that is sorely needed. Her ability to listen, understand, and connect with residents builds the trust that is essential for our city’s leadership. Alongside her, Marlene Parsons embodies the qualities of dedication and accountability that will help restore faith in our local government. Together, they can work toward rekindling a spirit of cooperation within the council.
It is time to prioritize unity and collaborative problem-solving in Keizer’s leadership. With Lore and Marlene, we have the opportunity to move past the tensions that have held us back and instead focus on the progress our community deserves. They will lead with integrity, inclusion, and a vision for a brighter future.
I urge fellow citizens to join me in supporting Lore Christopher and Marlene Parsons. Let’s take this important step toward regaining trust and support in our City Council and moving Keizer forward.
Soraida Cross, Keizer
Christopher is choice for mayor
To the Editor:
The Mayor’s job in Keizer is to encourage the council to work together to solve local problems with the goal of making life better for all Keizer residents. I believe that Lore Chrisopher has proven herself to be the best candidate for this job.
During my ten years serving as a member of the Keizer City Council, I had a front row seat to observe Lore Christopher’s leadership as Mayor. I saw how she encouraged the council to work together to find solutions to Keizer’s problems and then (more importantly) followed through with action to address the problems directly. For example, when Keizer needed more job opportunities, more shopping options, and more tax revenue, she spearheaded the Keizer Station project that resulted in thousands of new jobs, more shopping options and millions of dollars in annual tax revenue for the city. When faced with a need to improve the look of the River Road business district, she spearheaded the Keizer River Road Renaissance and Public Art programs that improved the safety and look of the streetscape and sidewalks along River Road. When residents demanded new parks (including a dog park) she worked with councilors to help create Keizer Rapids Park. When we needed a new police station, she worked with council to build a new state of the art Police facility. Just as importantly, she got all these things done without once asking for any new taxes from Keizer residents. We have not seen this level of creative and fiscally responsible projects that directly improve the lives of Keizer residents since she finished her last term as Mayor. We are very fortunate that she has decided to come back and serve again. Vote Christopher for Mayor.
Richard Walsh, Keizer
Vote for Stapleton
To the Editor:
I support Virginia Stapleton for House District 21. She has been an effective Salem City Councilor, and will continue this work in the trenches and as a leader. Her priorities are ones that will benefit all Oregonians, as those in north Salem and Keizer have already seen.
Oregon is still suffering from the effects of Measure 11, designed by Virginia’s opponent. She is more interested in lifting people up, not locking them up, restoring trust instead of raising suspicion. While accountability for our actions matters, Virginia also believes in strategies to keep people out of jail while supervising their commitment to change. Our justice system is one part of a three-sided foundation; healthcare and housing are the other sides. Virginia understands that the three are interrelated.
For example, the crisis of homelessness would not be a crisis in 10 years if we expanded access to medical and mental health care. Virginia deeply understands that our homeless community needn’t be punished for their loss of financial security or their health. The cost to keep people healthy is less than the cost to hospitalize or imprison them.
As for the third leg, Virginia will continue to champion affordable housing statewide, as she has in the past four years in Keizer and Salem. During her tenure, they approved over 4,200 new housing units and added 1000 shelter beds.
Oregon needs unity, not more division. Virginia Stapleton will help Oregon shore up its foundation: better public safety, more healthcare, and fewer unsheltered families.
Tim Buckley, Salem
Mannix should continue in HD 21
To the Editor:
Kevin Mannix has been active in Oregon Law since 1974.
He has been an Oregon state senator, Oregon state representative and has represented individuals, non profits and businesses throughout Marion County. He has also been Oregon Assistant Attorney General.
He supports tax reform, limitation of government regulations, and strengthening public safety. He is active in the Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce and Salem Catholic schools. He is also fluent in Spanish. He is a husband, a father and grandfather. He is also a member of the Oregon Independent Railroad group.
Kevin is the person I want to continue to represent me in the Oregon Legislature.
Ruby Pantalone, Keizer
Support for Stapleton
To the Editor:
I am writing to endorse Virginia Stapleton for House District 21 in North Salem and Keizer. Virginia is a leader who understands the social and financial issues our cities are facing. She shows up when it is important and brings a bright energy and dedication to all of her work.
As a mom to four school-age children, I want to see the seat for House District 21 represented by someone who will be an advocate for the issues that are important to families and our region in the legislature. I have not seen Kevin Mannix do this in his multiple terms at the State House. It is critical to have women and mothers represented in our decision making at a state level. Kevin Mannix voted against restoring protections for women when Roe was overturned. He is 74 years old, mostly retired, and a multi millionaire. He is out of step with women in our district, far too extreme for Oregon, and does not personally identify with the most important issues for our area or for me.
The divisiveness and polarization of our current system are discouraging. The mailers I receive are discouraging. But I am encouraged by Virginia’s leadership because she seems to move past this and see the big picture issues. If Virginia has ever knocked on your door to talk to you about why she is running for office, she no doubt was willing to sit down and have a real conversation with you. She listens. She empathizes. She understands. Virginia has knocked on over 5,000 doors this summer and through those conversations has really gotten a big picture understanding of how she can benefit our region and our cities at the State House. Kevin Mannix has never knocked on my door, but has sent me plenty of negative propaganda in the mail.
I hope readers will join me in voting for Virginia Stapleton. Working families need an advocate in our State Legislature.
Sadie Carney, Salem
Giving presidents near-total immunity is just wrong
Without an exercise in polling on the subject, I’d guess there are a number of American patriots, U.S. Constitution upholders, and those dedicated to preserving our democracy and way of life who don’t like whatsoever the rule by decision of the U.S. Supreme Court providing U.S. presidents the power of immunity for crimes he or she commits while in office.
Meanwhile and recently, a notable federal judge, Stephen S. Trott, a senior judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has written as follows: “Under the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity, could President Richard M. Nixon have legally ordered his plumbers to burgle the office of Daniel Elberg’s psychiatrist? Might they all have gotten away with it? It certainly looks that way to me (recently wrote Trott), and I have a particular interest in this matter. As a young lawyer in the L.A. District Attorney’s in 1971, I oversaw the burglary indictment of senior White House officials and White House operatives for breaking into the Beverly Hills office of Dr. Lewis Fielding.”
It’s worth noting that Judge Trott was appointed to the federal bench by a Republican president, Ronald Reagan. He wrote that the result of the ruling from the court’s GOP majority in Trump v. United States is : “The president and his agents are now free to break the laws that apply to every other person in the nation.”
Not just the fact but the breadth of Trott’s critique is noteworthy, in his estimation of how the ruling would apply beyond former presidents. That’s because a question raised by the immunity decision is whether and how it would extend beyond Trump or another former president, because the decision focused on former presidents. The issue could also need further clarification from the justices if it arises in a case against someone who was allegedly engaged in criminality with or at the direction of a president.
What’s judged is that Trott’s criticism is correct when he concludes, “Nowhere in the Constitution or the Federalist is there any provision, suggestion or hint that the president can with impunity commit crimes against the state or lawlessly abuse citizens without impunity.” Yet, that is what the Supreme Court has left us with by its ruling, that is, a kingdom within our republic and a return to colonial times, a time when a king demanded and ordered of every subject what each had to do, say, and be, or else!
Now, It’s a life and living condition ultimately predicting another declaration of freedom in the 21st century by those Americans become subjects under totalitarian rule. Further it forecasts an end to the all-powerful one in the White House, likely close in kind to the reward for his “service” bestowed upon Benito Mussoilini and a loved one by his thoroughly disillusioned fellow Italians in 1945.
(Gene H. McIntyre shares his opinion regularly in the Keizertimes.)