Two new fire engines ready for duty 

Ladder 31, a 2022 Rosenbauer Articulating Platform 100′ Aerial Apparatus.
MCFD #1 station members gather around Heavy Brush 31, a 2023 Rosenbauer Type 3 Urban Interface Engine. 
MCFD #1 station members gather around Ladder 31 after the ceremonial “wet down.” 

The Marion County Fire District #1 (MCFD #1) held a traditional “push-in” ceremony to commemorate the newly-minted starting status of the two new engines. The engines were blessed by the fire crew at the district as well as the district’s pastor, Mitch Warren in a wet down, or spraying a fire truck with its own equipment. 

The two engines, Heavy Brush 31 and Ladder 31, will both be housed at station 1 to fulfill different needs such as Heavy Brush 31 acting as a wildland fire and urban fire vehicle while Ladder 31 will help the department overcome the growing amount of multi-story buildings needing to be reached. 

Heavy Brush 31 was a 100% grant award from the State of Oregon, and the Federal Grant covered 55% of Ladder 31 build costs to offset the funds saved for the apparatus, according to the associated press report. 

Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051

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