New laws coming in 2024

 Learn about the following bills which will became law on Monday Jan. 1, 2024.


Improving Implementation of Voter-Approved Measure 110 (House Bill 2513)

Also known as the Hope and Recovery Bill, this bill is intended to bolster staffing and improve application processes to speed up approval and get funds to those that need them. In addition it willcentralize the support hotline to connect people with services more efficiently and improve Measure 110 program data collection to ensure accountability.

Educating Oregon’s Youth About the Dangers of Fentanyl (Senate Bill 238) 

This bill directs the OHA, State Board of Education and the Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission to develop an education plan to provide Oregon students more information about synthetic opioids as well as the laws surrounding them and protections offered.

Preventing Opioid Overdose Deaths (Senate Bill 1043)

This bill requires healthcare and drug treatment facilities to provide two doses of opioid reversal medicine to patients who were treated for opioid abuse upon their discharge. The bill also creates liability protections for those who administer drugs like Narcan to someone experiencing an opioid overdose. 

Increasing Access to Addiction Treatment While In-Custody (Senate Bill 529)

This bill restructures how alternative incarceration programs accept participants who are going into custody with some sort of substance addiction. 


Preventing Organized Retail Theft (Senate Bill 340)

SB 340 will create harsher penalties for individuals convicted of organized retail theft. The law also amends current statutes, allowing law enforcement greater flexibility to detect, deter and hold accountable those who commit organized retail theft. 

Mental Health Support for First Responders (House Bill 3426)

This bill will require 9-8-8 suicide hotline centers to create policies for and train staff to better serve firefighters and other emergnecy responders. 

Expanding DUII to Include Influence of Any Impairing Drugs (House Bill 2316)

HB 2316 will amend the current DUII laws to fix differing statues based on location in the state as well as reconcile felony DUII statutes dealing with repeat offenders. It also expands the offense of DUII to include any impairing drugs.


Converting Commercial Buildings to Housing Within the UGB (House Bill 2984)

This bill will allow local governments to convert commercial buildings within their urban growth boundary (UGB) to residential buildings without requiring a zone change or conditional use permit. 

Improving Financing of Affordable Housing (House Bill 2761) HB 2761 will expand Oregon Housing and Community Services ability to finance certain housing development portions for households earning at or below 120% of the area’s median income. 


Reducing Barriers for Early Learning Workforce (House Bill 2504)

Due to the issues faced by those whose first language is not English, HB 2504 directs the Department of Early Learning and Care to develop a set of processes to reduce barriers for international early learning professionals to enter the workforce. 

Putting Money Back in Families’ Pockets with the Oregon Kids Credit (House Bill 3235)

This bill will create Oregon’s first child tax credit—a fully refundable $1,000 tax credit per child between the ages of 0-5 for families that earn less than $30,000. 


Upgrading School HVAC Systems (House Bill 3031)

Oregon schools receive federal funding to upgrade their HVAC systems as well as assess ventilation systems, place carbon dioxide detectors in every classroom and submit a ventilation report for review. 

Increasing Students’ Financial Literacy (Senate Bill 3) 

The Oregon Department of Education studied high school graduation requirements and determined to add more future planning credits to the curriculum. SB 3 adds a half-credit for education and career pathways and a half-credit for personal financial education to graduation requirements starting in 2027. 


Training More Nurses (Senate Bill 523) 

This bill will expand the number of education institutions that offer nursing degrees. It permits community colleges to offer Bachelor of Science and Nursing degrees in addition to applied bachelor’s degrees. Community colleges may apply to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission for approval of proposed BSN degree program. 

Eliminating Costs for Breast Cancer Screenings (Senate Bill 1041) 

SB 1041 will make medically necessary breast cancer diagnostic imaging and exams free to patients by requiring commercial insurance plans to cover the costs. 


Banning Use of Polystyrene Food Containers (Senate Bill 543) 

This bill prevents the use of polystyrene foam (styrofoam) containers and perfluoroalkyl substances in prepared food. Polystyrene takeout containers are non-biodegradable, meaning they can take hundreds of years to decompose. They are also a significant source of litter, and can easily break down into small, hazardous pieces that harm wildlife and pollute waterways. 

Protecting Homeowners Impacted by Wildfires (Senate Bill 82) 

SB 82 prevents insurance companies from canceling policies or increasing premiums for homeowners based on the statewide wildfire map. It will also increase transparency for policy renewals and premium decisions by requiring insurers to tell owners how they can lower their premium through things like home hardening or other forms of wildfire mitigation. 

Funding Firefighter Apprenticeships (House Bill 2294) 

HB 2294 will appropriate $20 million for the Bureau of Labor and Industries to establish a grant program for local service districts and local joint committees to administer firefighter apprenticeship programs.

Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051

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