As the world begins to reemerge from the pandemic, Cherriots will begin to return to almost normal in the coming weeks.
Fare collection will resume on Tuesday, July 6. Rriders will be able to pay using a farebox on the bus.
Before July 6, riders can purchase a pass for the bus which can be done at Customer Service Centers at the downtown hub and Keizer Station Transit Center re-opening on Monday, June 28. Customer service staff will be available Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Passes can be purchased with cash, check, or debit/credit card. Starting July 6, you can also pay cash for a One-Ride or Day Pass right on the bus.
Unused portions of 30-day passes and annual passes purchased last year can be redeemed at Customer Service for credit on new passes. Cash refunds will not be given. Expired reduced fare IDs and expired annual passes will be accepted until Sept. 5
Riders must also continue to wear a mask when on the bus. For more information on the changes and to view the bus routes, visit