The Keizer City Council made appointments to three volunteer advisory committees at its meeting Tuesday, Sept. 8, but is still accepting applications for numerous other roles.
Gerard Graveline and Francisco Saldivar were appointed to the Keizer Budget Committee. Lisa Cejka was named to the Keizer Points of Interest Committee. Saldivar and Jane Herb were appointed to the Keizer Planning Commission.
Volunteers are still needed for:
• Budget Committee (two vacancies) – Responsibilities include assisting the City Council in the examination and analyzing of proposed budgets for the City of Keizer. The Budget Committee meets in May of each year to review the annual budget. Applicants must be registeered voters.
• Parks Advisory Board (four vacancies) – This board reviews and studies issues that involve development and maintenance of city parks and makes recommendations to the council. The board meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
• Keizer Points of Interest Committee (three vacancies) – The committee was established to identify, authenticate, and memorialize sites of interest located in the Keizer area. Sites to be identified may be historical, geographical, botanical, or unusual. The committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
• Stormwater Advisory Committee (one vacancy) – Members review guidelines and make recommendations to the city council on the development of ordinances pertaining to illicit discharge detection and elimination, stormwater runoff control, and stormwater management. The committee is seeking applicants who have experience in the development or building industry; however it is not a requirement. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 4 to 6 p.m.
• Traffic Safety, Bikeways and Pedestrian Committee (three vacancies) – meets the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. to review and make recommendations for improving traffic safety issues.
• Youth liaison/page – Opportunities are currently available to youth for service on various city committees. Please check the city website,, for more information and to apply.
Volunteer applications are available at Keizer Civic Center – City Hall located at 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, or you can request an application be mailed to you by calling City Hall at (503) 390-3700. Electronic applications are available on the city website.
Applications and nominations must be received by Wednesday, Oct. 7, to be considered at the Oct. 15 Volunteer Coordinating Committee meeting.