City will add new employee to cover community center

Keizer is adding a new employee to help cover the staffing required by the community center operations of the Keizer Civic Center. 

The Keizer City Council approved the addition of a new full-time employee in a unanimous vote. 

“While we have been successful in staffing events using temporary on-call employees and additional persons via a temporary employment agency, times when we have not had sufficient staffing with these resources have increased with increased booking,” wrote Machell DePina in a staff report explaining the need. 

The new employee’s salary will be covered by increases in rentals at the civic center and a portion of the Keizer Transit Occupancy Tax. Keizer Finance Director Tim Wood told the council he reviewed the recent revenue trends in both areas and determined there is sustainable support to fund the new position. 

City Manager Chris Eppley said the city has struggled to keep part-time staffers in place as business increases at the community center. 

“The way we are staffing is not working,” Eppley said. “We are running continual and constant recruiting efforts.”

The new staff member will work a swing shift from Tuesday through Saturday. After a question by City Councilor Roland Herrera, city staff will add Spanish speaking to the list of desired qualifications. 

Mayor Cathy Clark said adding a position will help the community center reflect its importance to the city. 

“Making sure we provide excellence in service reflects the values of our community and it provides consistency,” Clark said.