Three Keizer schools were put into lockdown after a student reported seeing a person in the parking lot with a bat in one hand and a possible rifle in the other.
The incident began about 8:15 a.m. and Keizer police cars swarmed to the campus. McNary High School and Cummings and Keizer Elementary schools were all put into lockdown of some sort as police conducted an armed search and interviewed the student who notified police by text message.
At McNary, students remained inside classrooms while police searched the building but found nothing to indicate the suspect entered the building.
The witness described the suspect as wearing a dark clothing with a dark blue backpack. A hoodie was pulled up over the suspect’s head.
Police scanner traffic indicated that a black hoodie was found in the area around the football field, but there was unclear as to whether it might be connected to the suspect.
The lockdown at McNary was lifted about 9:20 a.m., but police were continuing to search the area.