Enjoy traffic box artwork on River Road

“Jerseys in Jerseys” located on the corner of River Road and Chemawa Road.
Photo by QUINN STODDARD of Keizertimes
“Jerseys in Jerseys” when facing south on the corner of River Road and Chemawa.
Photo by QUINN STODDARD of Keizertimes
“Abstract Iris” at the corner of River Road and Lockhaven
Photo by QUINN STODDARD of Keizertimes

Keizerites can enjoy a little art on their commutes, thanks to the ongoing installation of colorful wraps on traffic utility boxes along River Road.

Two wraps designed by Keizer artists and created by Service Graphics were installed by the graphic  company Thursday, Aug. 15, with a third wrap scheduled to be put up in the coming weeks.

Each wrap costs $1,000 to make with replacements ranging from $700-$800.

The  Keizer Public Art Commission chooses the works to display.

“There is an open call to artists to submit any of their artwork that they would like to see on an art wrap,” arts commission member Lore Christopher said.

Artists who submit their work will have it added to the art portfolio the art commission uses to select subsequent wraps in other parts of Keizer. Artists whose work is selected receive $200 for their work.

The first wrap, titled “Jerseys in Jerseys,” is at the corner of River Road and Chemawa Road and was created by Sharon Housen.

The second wrap, “Abstract Iris,” is at River Road and Lockhaven Drive and was created by Enrique Sepulveda.

The third wrap, still to be installed, “Lo:q’ Chinook Salmon, tribute to the Hupa Tribe of Northern California” will be located at the intersection of Chemawa and Lockhaven and was created by artist Mackenzie Melendy.

According to Christopher, there are benefits to having these wraps. She said they discourage graffiti and because the artwork is not painted but placed like a wallpaper, it is easier to remove if work needs to be done in the box itself and the wraps act as a way to help sponsor local business should they pay for a wrap to be placed.

A traffic box is a metal box that contains equipment to control traffic lights.

A QR code at the base of the wrap reveals the name of the artist that made it.

Contact Quinn Stoddard
[email protected] or 503-390-1051

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