The third Annual Salem/Keizer Scavenger Hunt has been scheduled for Saturday, July 15. A grand prize of $1,000 in cash will go to the winner. All participants who register for the hunt will be eligible for the $500 cash registration prize.
On the morning of July 15, at 10 a.m. registered hunters will receive a text message on how to choose one of four adventures. Once an adventure has been chosen, the hunter will receive the first location, where a clue is available. If answered correctly the hunter will be directed to the next location and the process repeats until the end.
The four adventures include Keizer (River Road and vicinity), west Salem, north Salem and downtown Salem. Organizers report there are a limited number of opportunities for businesses in the four adventure areas to sign up as part of the hunt. The deadline is June 30.
In 2022 Patrick Johnson won the $1,000 prize while the $500 registration prize went to Summer Trevino.
The Scavenger Hunt was created by Mathew Poteet of Farmers Insurance and Tim and Pam Fahndrich of WhirLocal Salem to be fun for friends and families and to promote local businesses. The hunt is presented by Acorn Dentistry for Kids.
Registration is open now at salemkeizerscavhunt.com.
Willamette Valley Bank is the sponsor of the hunt registration and prize.