The Keizer Chamber of Commerce is looking for award nominees in several categories leading up to the annual First Citizen’s Event Saturday, March 20.
Awards are presented for First Citizen, Service to Education and Merchant of the Year. Nomination forms can be downloaded at Nominations are due by March 7. They can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to the Chamber office at 4118 River Road N. Keizer, OR 97303.
Qualifications in each category are:
First Citizen Award – given to an individual(s) that exemplified City of Keizer’s motto of Pride, Sprit, and Volunteerism within their work, volunteerism, or activism for the community. Nominations should include involvement during the past five years and detail how the nominee has dedicated time and/or talent to benefit the quality of life of our past, present, or future.
Service to Education Award – given to an individual that is a Keizer area administrator, teacher or volunteer. Nominee should be actively involved in the community and has made an outstanding contribution to the betterment of education. Nominee must serve, volunteer, or dedicate time and/or talent to benefit the youth of Keizer.
Merchant of the Year Award – given to an individual and/or business that did the most in 2020 for the Keizer Business Community. Nominee must be a Keizer Chamber member and have assisted moving forward the organizations objectives, including developing the current and future workforce, promoting Keizer, advocating for business and economic development in government relations, servicing members, and assuring organizational vitality.