To the Editor:
On pages 7 and 8 of the Keizertimes’ Holiday Guide was a list of organizations that may reflect your values—where you might want to donate your dollars. The Keizertimes did not list an important local Keizer foundation that is seeking help right now: the Keizer Community Foundation.
When the Salem-Keizer school buildings closed, the Keizer Kloset (a project of the foundation) closed with them. That closure did not eliminate the need for Keizer children, and we continued to answer the call by providing donations to our local Keizer Community Food Bank and monies directly to the schools, and then we waited.
We waited for our school leaders and teachers to determine how to move forward in the school year and what and how the Keizer Community Foundation could do to support their efforts.
We have now heard from some of our schools; they need our help.
Some local schools have requested food drop-offs. We can do that. We are currently coordinating with school counselors to have food and other personal items available for them to deliver to students via home visits.
We are providing new clothing, blankets, gloves, hats, jackets, and other articles of necessity, for distribution to families in need (as determined by school counselors).
The Keizer Community Foundation was proud to contribute to the second story pole carving in front of the Keizer Civic Center. This project had great community support and honored our long-time agricultural history.
We have just been informed that Keizer is able to add an additional sculpture to our collection along River Road. The sculpture is an eagle that will be installed on the northeast corner of the Chemawa/River Road intersection in early 2021. The Keizer Community Foundation will contribute to this project by supplying the artist’s stipend.
This crisis hasn’t stopped and neither have we. If you value your community, its children and its culture, please consider helping us.
Please visit our website, Or, visit our Facebook page at
Audrey Butler
(Audrey Butler is president of the Keizer Community Foundation).