Lines at In-N-Out have only wavered slightly since it opened in December 2019. This photo is from shortly after the burger chain opened.
The most popular spot in town for the past eight months has now become the Keizer’s first site of a COVID-19 outbreak linked to a restaurant.
In-N-Out Burger at Keizer Station, 6280 Keizer Station Boulevard, was listed as reporting five cases of COVID-19 in the Oregon Health Authority’s weekly report on coronavirus spread throughout the state.
In-N-Out has had five cases linked to the site. OHA officials launched an investigation on July 18 and the most recent onset of symptoms was listed as July 29.
Symptoms of COVID-19 can take up to two weeks to present themselves. Symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, shortness fo breath, fatigue, headache and body aches among others.
“State and local public health officials work intensively with staff at workplaces where outbreaks are identified to isolate sick workers, test and quarantine those who have been exposed and implement workplace changes to reduce risk of transmission,” the report states.
OHA does not report on deaths linked to workplaces. Only workplaces with at least 30 workers and five confirmed cases are included in the report.
In-N-Out shifted to drive-through serviced only when Oregon went into lockdown, but reopened its dining room area as Oregon began its phased reopening. It is not known whether In-N-Out altered its hours or methods as a result of the outbreak.
With the report, In-N-Out becomes the first restaurant with a reported COVID-19 outbreak in Marion and Polk Counties as well.
In-N-Out’s vice president of operations, Denny Warnick, gave the Keizertimes the following statement regarding the outbreak:
“Our thoughts are with our Associates at our restaurant in Keizer, Oregon, who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and we hope for their quick recovery. There are two Associates who have received a positive diagnosis in the past month. The last date that either individual was in the restaurant was July 28th. In accordance with their policy, the Oregon Health Authority also reported the positive diagnosis of one of our Associate’s housemates in their total.
We have been in contact with the Marion County Health & Human Services Department about the steps that we are taking in this situation to protect our Associates and Customers. Associates who have had close contact with the individual have been excluded from work.
Nothing is more important to us at In-N-Out Burger than the health and safety of our Associates and Customers. In addition to our already-rigorous cleanliness and handwashing standards, we’ve taken many additional safety precautions including pre-work symptom and temperature checks for all Associates and enhanced disinfection and sanitation procedures.”