Local Elections
Marion County Board of Commissioners
Marion County’s Board of Commissioners provides leadership on issues ranging from public health and safety to economic development and emergency preparedness to transportation and land management. Recent issues reviewed and taken by commissioners included establishing an emergency economic stimulus fund; setting priorities for maintaining Detroit Lake; oversight of land use and urban growth boundaries; advocating for Marion County in the Oregon Legislature.
Candidates (Position 3): Danielle Bethell (Republican) and Dan Norton and Ashley Carson Cottingham (Democrats)
State House of Representatives
Oregon’s House of Representatives consists of 60 members that serve two-year terms. Keizer is in the 25th District. The House of Representatives duties include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.
Candidates (25th District):
Ramiro Navarro Jr. (Democrat) and Bill Post (Republican)
Marion County Tax Assessor
Marion County Tax Assessor is a nonpartisan office responsible for assessing all properties in Marion County. This includes commercial, industrial, residential, farm, forest, manufactured structures and business personal property.
Candidate: Tom Rolfing
Local measures
Marion County Fire District No. 1 is seeking a local tax option levy to increase emergency service personnel for its service area, which includes a portion of north Keizer. The levy of .99 cents per thousand dollars of assessed value would increase property taxes on a home with an assessed value of $250,000 by $247.50 annually.
Statewide offices
Secretary of State
The secretary of state oversees the function of the state archives, audits, corporations and elections as well as business services, information systems and human resources. One of the office’s primary roles is auditing of public spending. Recent actions and accomplishments include a national award for auditing of Oregon’s prescription drug monitoring program; ensuring election security; and an audit of the Travel Oregon tourism commission that found its managers are paid more than other agencies that have larger budgets and more employees.
Candidates: Mark Hass, Jamie McLeod-Skinner and Shemia Fagan (Democrats). Kim Thatcher and Dave W. Stauffer (Republicans).
State Treasurer
Oregon’s state treasurer is the custodian of public funds and its chief investment officer. The office is responsible for selling bonds that finance community projects such as schools, roads and armories and helping to secure loans for non-profit projects like hospitals. Recent actions include launching a new prepaid card service for those receiving disability payments; demanding more fiduciary responsibility from two companies operating Oregon detention centers; and establishing a program in which Willamette University will match Oregon College Savings Plans if a student decides to attend the Salem university.
Candidates: Tobias Read (Democrat) and Jeff Gudman (Republican).
Attorney General
Oregon’s attorney general is the chief legal officer of the state and heads the Department of Justice. The attorney general represents the state in all court actions and legal proceedings and appoints assistant attorney generals who serve as counsel to state departments, boards and commissions. Recent actions taken by the attorney general’s office include: warning online businesses that they are not exempt from price gouging laws in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic; monitoring consumer complaints and taking action when warranted; joining a coalition of seven states suing the current presidential administration over access to health insurance.
Candidates: Ellen Rosenblum (Democrat) and Michael Cross (Republican)
Federal elections
U.S. Senator
Senators are responsible for approving cabinet members of the presidential administration as well as federal judges and regulatory officials. They can also flag nominees they feel are unworthy of the selected office. Senators can also introduce new legislation and debate the merits of legislation introduced by others. They are the voice of all Oregonians in the Senate.
Candidates: Jeff Merkley (Democrat) and Paul J. Romero, Robert Schwartz, Jo Rae Perkins and John Verbeek (Republicans).
U.S. Representative
Representatives are charged with the introduction of federal legislation as well as debating and passing legislation introduced by other members. The House of Representatives is the only federal body permitted to introduce bills related to revenue.
Candidates: Blair G. Reynolds, Kurt Schrader and Mark Gamba (Democrats) and Angela Roman, Amy Ryan Courser, G. Shane Dinkel and Joey Nations (Republicans).