4-way stop planned at River-Quinaby

Marion County Public Works is planning a four-way stop intersection where River Road North meets Clearlake Northeast/Quinaby Road Northeast. 

The plan is to try to get it installed by the end of August, said Brian Nicholas, director of Marion County Public Works (MPCW). 

While a fatal crash at the site in late July gave the planned changes added momentum, it was not the sole factor in MCPW moving quickly in response. 

“Each of the stop signs will have a flashing red light on top of the sign and there will be temporary signs placed ahead of the intersection warning drivers of a traffic change,” Nicholas said. The warning signs will also include flashing lights to get drivers’ attention. 

MCPW had to order some additional parts needed for the change, but planned for a rapid deployment. 

On July 28, a 39-year-old Sheridan woman died in a crash at the intersection. She was driving a Ford Taurus and an investigation determined she had failed to stop at a stop sign while traveling eastbound on Clearlake Road Northeast.

In response to the crash, the Keizer City Council planned to ask for changes at a meeting of the Marion County Area Transportation Commission Thursday, Aug. 6. MCPW announced the changes before that meeting was held. 

Mayor Cathy Clark cited line-of-sight and alignment issues among the problems that caused crashes at the intersection.

Nicholas said the county monitors crash data at all county roads and intersections, and the River Road/Clearlake/Quinaby junction falls under its Rural Intersection Safety Program. MCPW adjusts traffic controls based on what the data reveals. 

“The county has already installed advance warning signs, enhanced pavement markings and other safety features at the River Road/Quinaby Road intersection. The next logical step in that progression is to change the intersection to a four-way stop with enhanced signs, enhanced pavement markings and flashing beacons to increase driver awareness of the traffic control change,” Nicholas said.