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Motocross legend honored in Seattle

Salem resident and former McNary grad Mark Gregson shows off the award he was presented at the Legends and Heroes motocross tour in Seattle, Wash. (KEIZERTIMES/Matt Rawlings). Mark Gregson doesn’t consider himself a legend when it comes to the sport of motocross. However, some of his peers beg to differ.[Read More…]

McNary gets two wins in Arizona

McNary pitcher David Allen delivers to the plate (KEIZERTIMES/Matt Rawlings) Over spring break, the McNary baseball team got the opportunity to play in a tournament down in Goodyear, AZ. — coincidently, the Celtics only ended up matching up with teams from Colorado. Despite facing some talented squads, McNary was able[Read More…]

Celts take three out of four at spring break tournament

McNary’s Kate Ronning gets a base hit in a game against Tigard earlier this season (KEIZERTIMES/Matt Rawlings). The McNary softball team competed in the Jesuit/Mountainside Tournament in Beaverton over spring break, where they played four games in the span of just two days.  The Celtics finished the tournament with a[Read More…]

Keizer activist, tribal leader honored by Merkley

Delores “Dee” Pigsley The name and accomplishments of Keizer woman and longtime leader of the Siletz Tribe are now inscribed forever in the records of the United States Congress thanks to Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley. Merkley submitted a written statement about Delores “Dee” Pigsley into the records as part of[Read More…]

Gubser upgrade starts

From left: Keizer Mayor Cathy Clark. Gubser teacher Carly Justino, Gubser students Colin Williams and Marin Williams, and superintendent Christy Perry pose with their shovels after breaking ground at Gubser Elementary. (KEIZERTIMES/Matt Rawlings) The expansion at Gubser Elementary kicked off on the morning of Friday, March 22 with an official[Read More…]

Law, lobbyists in opposition to manufactured home owners

Residents at Wildwood Mobile Villa are hoping to fight back against rent increases. (KEIZERTIMES/File photo) The owners of homes in Wildwood Mobile Villa, a manufactured home park in northwest Keizer are feeling the pinch of rent burdens, but it’s not the only way residents feel they’ve been squeezed – even[Read More…]

Museum exhibit is (slightly) radioactive

Tammy Wild’s collection of uranium glass emits a ghostly green glow under black light. Tammy Wild picked up her interest in colored glass from her in-laws who had colorful displays in their homes. But, a chance encounter with information on uranium glass on the internet helped her discover some of[Read More…]

A call for fellow sojourners

Cara Meredith Cara Meredith’s journey from Keizer led her into the arms of the man she loves and then into confrontation with her own “colorblind” view of the world. “I think I’ve gotten a lot wrong. Sometimes I think my book is what not to do when it comes to[Read More…]

Keizer at least 500 ACRES short of growth space

Keizer will come up short of the space it needs to absorb expected growth over the next 20 years, by at least 500 acres. The news was delivered by Bob Parker, a project director at ECONorthwest, at a meeting of the city’s Housing Needs and Buildable Lands Inventory Task Force Monday,[Read More…]

But play a prank on someone anyway

April Fools Day can be a lot of fun, but it can also be overwhelming. I never know where to start or what to do. So I played some pranks around the office that are safe, fun, and easy to replicate. Eye roll: Googly eyes are fun, that’s a fact[Read More…]