Look outside on any Oregon day and the sun will be beaming down. Look out the same window a couple hours later and it’s highly likely that it will be pouring down rain. While most Oregonians will say, “That’s Oregon weather for you,” unpredictable weather is a sign of a bigger[Read More…]
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Arbor Day started with a president who cared
In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt gave a proclamation, as presidents do; this one, however, was different than most speeches. This one was written for and given to students. The thought of a President writing a speech for people my age seems kind of strange. That is until you read it.[Read More…]
Egg-hunting smiles
Vincent Perres and care provider Christina Corum. Shangri-La, an organization that provides support and assistance to those with developmental disabilities, held its annual Easter egg hunt at the Log House Gardens in Keizer Saturday, April 20. Alexander MartinezGail Reid with the Easter Bunny. Leo MarshallMichael KluverAriel Burlington dances while following the[Read More…]
KPD seeks BLAST Camp support
The Keizer Police Department is seeking donations to support its 6th annual BLAST Camp (Bringing Law Enforcement And Students Together) scheduled for July 16-18 at Whiteaker Middle School. Blast Camp is a law enforcement-themed day camp offered at no cost to children who will be entering grades three through six the[Read More…]
City puts out call for skater bois — and grrls
City officials make frequent attempts to get the local youth involved in the conversations that occur inside city hall, but they are going all out on May 1 to attract a specific audience: users of Carlson Skate Park. The Keizer Parks Department will be hosting a public forum on proposed[Read More…]
Salem mobile home owners find strength through unity
The homeowners in Arrowhead Mobile Home Park, off Portland Road in Salem, were some of the last to know when the land under their homes was sold to a new owner. The deal was done a year and a half before residents got wind that Investment Property Group (IPG) had[Read More…]
Jones fields tough questions on approach to homelessness
Keizer city councilors asked hard questions about how local leaders approach combatting homelessness at a work session Monday, April 22. Jimmy Jones, executive director of the Mid-Willamete Valley Community Action Agency, fielded them without batting an eye. Councilor Dan Kohler said some constituents asked him when enough was enough given[Read More…]
Homelessness: Long road to independence might make for better services
Even if the leaders on the Mid-Willamette Valley Homelessness Initiative get backing from local elected leaders to form a new Continuum of Care (COC), the road ahead is a long one. The soonest local leaders could apply for the change is this October. If approved, the new COC administration could[Read More…]
County may chart own course on homelessness
Two leaders of the Mid-Willamette Valley Homelessness Initiative encouraged the Keizer City Council to back a resolution essentially seceding from a larger regional group combatting homelessness in Oregon. Marion County is currently part of the Rural Oregon Continuum of Care (ROCC), a group that consists of 27 other Oregon counties[Read More…]
Lockhaven turn lane should ease congestion
Bids were due this week to construct a new, dedicated turn lane on Lockhaven Drive Northeast, meant to service drivers turning onto 14th Avenue Northeast. Keizer Public Works Director Bill Lawyer said the city will enter into contract talks and establish a timeframe for the improvements in the coming weeks.[Read More…]