City Council Meeting Agenda

AGENDA KEIZER CITY COUNCILREGULAR SESSION Monday, April 3, 2023 7:00 p.m. Robert L. Simon Council Chambers Keizer, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. FLAG SALUTE 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESSa. PROCLAMATION – Volunteer Recognition Month b. PROCLAMATION – National Child Abuse Prevention Month c. The Lava Dome[Read More…]

City Council Meeting Agenda

Keizer City Council meets on Monday, March 20th at 7 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting:  AGENDA  KEIZER CITY COUNCIL  REGULAR SESSION  Monday, March 20, 2023  7:00 p.m.  Robert L. Simon Council Chambers  Keizer, Oregon  1. CALL TO[Read More…]

Women’s history celebrated and liquor licenses discussed at City Council

The March 6 Keizer City Council meeting was a quick affair, with one public hearing and two reports.

Mayor Cathy Clark opened the meeting by proclaiming March Women’s History month in Keizer. She invited all the women at the meeting, including councilors, to accept the proclamation. 

The council voted unanimously to recommend liquor license renewal for more than 60 Keizer establishments. The recommendation will be forwarded to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Liquor licenses are required to be renewed each year.

$9K in matching park grants available

At the Feb. 21 Keizer City Council meeting, Lisa Cejka of the Keizer Parks Advisory Board gave a report that including the reminder that there is $9,400 in grant money for parks projects.

Projects funded in part by the city’s Parks Matching Grant Program must be completed by June 30.

City Council Meeting Agenda

Keizer City Council meets on Monday, Feb. 6th at 7 p.m. in regular session. The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting:  AGENDA  KEIZER CITY COUNCIL  REGULAR SESSION  Monday, February 6, 2023  7:00 p.m.  Robert L. Simon Council Chambers  Keizer, Oregon  1. CALL[Read More…]