Tim Hein was introduced as the new patrol lieutenant for the Keizer Police Department at the Oct. 16 city council meeting by Chief Andrew Copeland.
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, October 16th at 7 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: AGENDAKEIZER CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SESSIONMonday, October 16, 2023 6:15 PM Civic Center 930 Chemawa Road NE Keizer, Oregon The Oregon Public[Read More…]
Council limits park vendors + more at Monday meeting
The Keizer City Council approved new regulations at its Oct. 2 meeting that outline how and where private businesses can operate at several city parks.
Council decides on event permits
The Keizer City Council gave final approval to an ordinance that will regulate the permitting process for parades, special events and street closures for block parties.
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, September at 7 p.m. in regular session.
The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting:
City looking into speeding issues across town
The city is addressing traffic issues in Keizer including the installation of a speed table on Cummings Lane at Delight Avenue. The city is also planning a speed study on Claggett Street NE in response to resident complaints there.
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, August 7th at 7 p.m. in regular session.
Beaver dam causing local flooding
Devon Kraxberger and Jose Ceja addressed the Keizer City Council on Monday, July 17, asking for help regarding flooding of their respective properties due to a beaver dam.
City Council Meeting Agenda
Keizer City Council will meet on Monday, July 17th at 7 p.m. in regular session.The following options are available if you wish to view or participate in the meeting: AGENDAKEIZER CITY COUNCILREGULAR SESSIONMonday, July 17, 20237:00 p.m.Robert L. Simon Council ChambersKeizer, Oregon 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3.[Read More…]
Council: Light agenda, volunteers honored
The Keizer City Council meeting on Monday, July 3, was relatively short, but busy as several ordinances affecting residents were passed.