The call across the United States for defunding municipal police departments comes after the killing of George Floyd at the knee of a city policeman in Minneapolis. The resulting protests across the country have been accented by the call for total reform of policing in the United States, up[Read More…]
Author: Lyndon Zaitz
Don’t let them go hungry
COVID-19 has up-ended life as we know it. Many people have been out of work as their employers shut down at Gov. Kate Brown’s order. Those who were fortunate got their $1,200 federal stimulus check, or unemployment checks from the state. Those who are less fortunate have to figure out[Read More…]
To the Class of 2020
Class of 2020, boy, did you get a raw deal. You did everything that was asked of you—attending class, partaking in extracurricular activities, following (for the most part) the rules. Now, when you should be walking across the dais with your classmates to accept your hard-earned diploma or recalling an[Read More…]
Protest but don’t destroy
Americans have a history of protesting. Lawfully protesting is a protectED right given to the people by the Constitution. The current protests taking place in every corner of the country is nothing new. Protests against the Vietnam War changed the nation’s direction. Demonstrations in support of civil rights brought about[Read More…]
Keizer women on the fall ballot
Regardless of one’s political label, Keizerites should be excited that three local women will be on the general election ballot in November for key positions. All Republicans, one is running for federal office, one is running for a state-wide office and one is running for county commissioner. That is a slate[Read More…]
Nurses: the superheroes of our time
There are many people across the nation in many fields fighting against COVID-19. Grocery store employees continue to stock products and check out customers. Teachers hold virtual classes. Scientists are working around the clock in laboratories around the world searching for a vaccine for the disease that has now taken[Read More…]
Showing the nation how to vote
Oregon has conducted its elections by mail since voters approved Measure 60 in 1998. Since then voter turnout in Oregon has been among the highest in the nation and there has been little—if any—serious incidents of fraud. More states are considering conducting their elections with mailed ballots in the wake[Read More…]
A Mother’s Day gift for the ages
The COVID-19 pandemic will pose a challenge as we honor mom on this year’s Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 10. In the past, families treated mom to a lovely brunch or dinner at a restaurant. This year there will be no large family gatherings around a big table at a[Read More…]
Opening amid COVID-19
Every crisis breeds its own white hat heroes; conversely, every crisis also breeds black hat scoundrels. Most will agree that the white hat heroes of the coronavirus pandemic are the health workers—doctors, nurses and anyone who goes to work at a hospital or clinic. The black hat scoundrels are those[Read More…]
Tyson Cox, club manager of Keizer’s Physique Fitness, delivers a refilled bottle of sanitizer to Annie Owen of Keizer. Physique Fitness is providing semi-regular refills of sanitizing solution, the same brand as it uses inside the clubs, at its Salem area locations. Follow the gym on Facebook to find out[Read More…]