Author: Gene H. McIntyre

What does Matt Shea want?

Media reports that a Washington state lawmaker who has traveled throughout the west in recent years to meet with far right-wing extremist groups to organize anti-government (as in against the U.S. government) activities. He also participated in that infamous act of domestic terrorism at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in support[Read More…]

People and businesses make Keizer great

About this time of year, mainly appearing during the national and religious holidays in which most Americans participate to one degree or another, are the recognized blessings and statements of thanks we express to voice our appreciations for where we are and what’s happening with us in our lives. In[Read More…]

Compassion needed for homeless

Many among us get together with relatives for the holidays. My wife and I are no exception. It usually means that during and between food courses we delve into current events. One of our recent guests, during a conversation about homelessness, commented that those tents full of people near the ARCHES building[Read More…]

Stop fighting, start working for solutions

The quality of life in this country would undoubtedly improve if we’d get back to dealing with facts. For just one salient example, the Republicans are jumping all over Democrats in Washington, D.C., crying that their opponents are not doing anything but picking on the “poor” president of the United States. Yet, House[Read More…]

Make sports equitable for all

When anyone says they want to make something great again, generalizations on the subject don’t cut it. Regarding our nation, even the least savvy historian would want to know fairly precisely to which event or period of time the advocate references as a return point to be “great again.” Contender examples, one[Read More…]

Domestic terrorism takes center stage

The current crisis over domestic terrorists with no statute to address more murderous actions has become an enlarged swamp. President Trump blames the latest “swamp” on the media while a mirror into which he should look would see his own reflection and what he has exasperated, starting when he accused former[Read More…]

Portland State leadership is costly

The ‘one percenters’ in America are those who possess most of the wealth and power. They have the financial means for their daughters and sons to attend a college or university of their choice. Of course other Americans with children who recognize the importance of continuing education after high school, can establish[Read More…]

Changing demographics breeds anger

Should we worry? It would seem appropriate. Why? Referenced are the ever more frequent threats and delivery of violence by what appears a growing number of Americans who’ve become upset or disenchanted with their lives. Then there are those who harm others when not understood or do not respond to them on their terms[Read More…]

When do we start seeing the ‘best people’?

“We have to get the best people,” said Donald Trump when asked before he got to the Oval Office how he’d go about staffing his administration. “We need to get the best and the finest, and, if we don’t, we’ll be in trouble for a long period of time and maybe[Read More…]

Age is a factor in presidential hopefuls

Should there be a gathering of Americans including Bernie Sanders (77 years old), Joe Biden (76), Donald Trump (73), Elizabeth Warren (70) and this opinion writer. It’s argued that Keizertimes readers would judge us to be a group of older white guys who are close to the same age. Now[Read More…]