Keizer gets ready to fete top citizens at gala banquet

Keizer will honor its finest on Saturday.
The Keizer Chamber of Commerce is hosting the annual First Citizen Awards Banquet, starting
at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 18, at the Keizer Civic Center. Tickets to the event are $70 and
available on the chamber’s website. The event is presented by Willamette Valley Bank.
The chamber has selected a First Citizen since 1964. The first was Robert O. Smith and last
year’s was Kevin Dial.
Other honors to be awarded include Merchant of the Year, Service to Education, President’s
Choice and the Dennis Koho Future First Citizen.
Dinner is from Adam’s Ribs Smokehouse and dessert is Michelle Ashley Custom Cakes.

Kevin Dial of Keizer accepts the Keizer First Citizens Award at the annual banquet in 2024. The Keizer Chamber of Commerce is hosting this year’s award ceremony on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025.