Turkey Dash returns for 2024

About 100 runners entered the 2024 Turkey Dash, at 8 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning, returning after a one year hiatus.
Many entrants were attired for the theme, Pajama Party, or in a Thanksgiving theme.
The 5K fun run started and ended at Lowe’s Home Improvement in Keizer Station, following a route through the Gubser neighborhood. Turkey Dash was sponsored in part by ODEC and Electric

Aaron Vorderstrasse shows off his turkey running costume. LYNDON ZAITZ/Keizertimes
The run started promptly at 8 a.m. LYNDON ZAITZ/Keizertimes
In the spirit of the Pajama Party theme, Elizabeth Quintana (left), Roxie Vasquez, with Steven, wearing his mini-Santa. LYNDON ZAITZ/Keizertimes
Jorge Roja with running partner Kizoo. LYNDON ZAITZ/Keizertimes
Front row Zachary Harrington and Cameron Harrington. Back row, from left: Anne Harrington, Chris Keen, Kristin Barber and Ellie Kueniz. LYNDON ZAITZ/Keizertimes
Jacob Espinoza signs up for the Turkey Dash. LYNDON ZAITZ/Keizertimes