Candidates meet in debate Civil debate addresses multitude of issues

About 75 people attended the 2024 Keizer City Candidates debate on Tuesday, Oct. 22.

The debate, held in the Robert L. Simon Council Chambers at the civic center, featured council candidates Tammy Kunz and Marlene Parsons and the candidates for mayor, incumbent Cathy Clark and Lore Christopher, herself a former mayor.

The 90-minute debate covered issues that affect the city and its residents. Candidates addressed possible Urban Growth Boundary expansion, economic development, traffic in the city and public safety.

The attendees had the opportunity to submit questions for consideration by the moderator.

Keizer TV videoed the debate and livestreamed on their website.

Audience members listen to the debate. LAURA TESLER for the Keizertimes
Audience members listen to the debate. LAURA TESLER for the Keizertimes