By the KEIZERTIMES staff
Against a backdrop of sunny, blue skies, the artificial turf fields at Keizer Rapids Park was officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
City and county leaders were joined by more than 150 people at the early evening event.
Keizer Mayor Cathy Clark opened the ceremony recognizing key players in developing the fields. Clark called out the Marion County Commission, which approved a $2 million grant to the turf fields.
Commission Colm Willis was the premier figure advocating for the fields and for Marion County grant the money.
Willis was joined by his fellow commissioners Danielle Bethell and Kevin Cameron.
Mayor Clark thanked legislators in Washington, DC and in Oregon for their advocacy and support. By name, she recognized state Rep Kevin Mannix and US Congresswoman Andrea Salinas.
“We do so much in partnership and it’s great to know that we have the support from our legislators at all levels of government because Keizer counts and they know it,” said Clark.
Clark then announced that Keizer received a $634,000 matching grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. That money is earmarked for Phase Two of the field complex, which will include bathrooms.
Commissioner Willis was introduced. He was all smiles as he said, “I can’t tell you how happy I am. My smile just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger when I saw those cars as I drove in here.”
Willis remembered when people came to him during the COVID lockdowns in 2020 and asking if there is anything that he could do as a commissioner, to find a solution for kids who could not use school fields.
“They’re (fellow commissioners) are going to think I’m absolutely crazy when I tell them I want to spend millions of federal dollars to build soccer fields in Keizer for the kids,” recalled Willis.
The fields were being used duirng the ceremony, as soccer, rugby and flag football teams tried out the field.

LYNDON ZAITZ of the Keizertimes

LYNDON ZAITZ of the Keizertimes