Ravi Moreno checks out his haircut from Anthony Garcia of AG Barber Company.
The Kennedy Neighborhood Council held its first event on Saturday, Aug. 20, at the Church on the Hill, near Kennedy School.
The Council was formed in July with the mission of informing Kennedy School parents, families and neighbors that a dedicated group care about them and want to see them be resilient and successful.
Saturday’s event was attended by 135 people from the Kennedy Elementary School neighborhood. Free haircuts and food were offered. Students-age children were welcome to school supplies and backpacks.
The Kennedy Neighborhood Family Council (KNFC) is a self-organized group of volunteer Kennedy School neighborhood residents, who banded together to build neighborhood resilience that strengthens families and supports world-class education for everyone living in the Kennedy neighborhood.
Tammy Kunz is the KNFC chairwoman; vice chair is Keizer city councilor Roland Herrera. Also on the board are Sirren Berkley, Esperanza Sotelo, Imelda Sanchez, Eliza Moreno, Maribel Mora, Jacque Green and Emily Jadhav.
Advisors to the council are Eduardo Angulo and Leslye Garcia, who come from CBEL (Community-based experiential learning.
The council plans to meet monthly and will develop a calendar of events throughout the year.