Public invited to comment on transportation plans

The public is invited to learn about and comment on two regional transportation plans through Friday, April 8.

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) has $20 million of federal funds to spend over the next six years. Elements include bicycling, walking, transit and road programs in mid-Willamette Valley region.

Seventeen initial projects are in the plan including in Keizer. A final list of projects will be determined in July.

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) addresses mobility, safety, maintenance and improvements for all modes of travel in regions through 2050. 

A short survey, asking the public about their transportation concerns and priorities is available now through April 8, at

The survey is co-sponsored by Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study (SKATS), Metrolipolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments.