Keizer Fire receives yearly clean audit review

Keizer Fire District Board of Directors: From Left: Joe Van Meter, Betty Hart, Chet Patterson, Colleen Busch, Greg Ego.

Oregon budget law requires governmental agencies to review all financial controls annually for special districts, such as fire districts. Keizer Fire District (KFD) has again received the highest review score of an “unmodified opinion” which is the highest positive auditor opinion they can offer, regarding the accuracy of the accounting and fiduciary responsibility, for a fire district. 

Not only has the responsibility been met, KFD accounted for all financial positions regarding assets and liabilities and related public employee documentation recording.

Using Governmental Accounting Standard Board rules (GASB) which were established in 1984, KFD utilizes the accounting firm of Grove, Mueller, & Swank, P.C. The KFD board of directors went over the auditor findings in detail at their October 2021 monthly board meeting with the auditor and financial committee for Keizer Fire.

Kathy Wilson, CPA, who reviewed the audit summary to the board of directors, said that, “the fire district financial status and cash position are a direct result of good management decisions and good strong relationship with your community”.

Keizer fire board president, Chet Patterson, who also is a CPA, added, “the importance of good financial records and recording regarding public funding, year after year, is vital in our public trust and reflects directly on a good organization such as ours.” 

Patterson thanked Kathy Wilson and KFD staff for their attention to every detail.