With the start of school around the corner, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) of Marion County is holding a drive to collect supplies for students from elementary to high school age.
CASA is asking the community to donate items and deliver them to their office at 3530 River Road N. in Keizer. They will also accept cash donations and shop for school supplies.
The wish list for elementary school age students includes: crayons, glue sticks, facial tissues, pencils and sharpeners, backpacks, erasers, scissors, 12” rulers, ballpoint pens, three-ring loose leaf notebooks, markers and colored pencils.
For middle and high school students ,the wish list includes: one and a half inch three-ring binder, graph paper, thin markers, colored pencils and sharpeners, pencils and pencil pouch, glue sticks, rulers, highlighters, scissors, AAA batteries, TI-30Xa scientific calculator and backpacks.
CASA of Marion County will be hosting the Keizer Chamber of Commerce Greeters event at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 17, and they will be accepting school supplies then as well.
Other ways to be involved with the school supply drive is to host an event at your workplace, purchase supplies directly from CASA’s Amazon Wishlist or select a tag and sponsor a child’s back to school needs.
CASA is a national organization that supports and promotes court-appointed advocates for abused and neglected children who need safe and permanent homes. To learn more visit casamarionor.org.