The Keizer City Council approved hiring Wes Hare, a former Albany city manager, as the interim city manager while the city searches for a permanent replacement.
Hare’s contract with the city is expected to last between six and 12 months. His salary is $14,153 per month, approximately $81.65 per hour.
Hare’s tenure with the city began Wednesday, July 7.
At an informal meeting with members of the council last month, Hare spoke about his experience as city manager in Oakridge, La Grande and Albany as well as time spent in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Sri Lanka consulting on efforts to establish local governments.
Hare replaces Keizer’s former city manager who resigned in April, a month after discharging a gun in his office. Keizer Finance Director Tim Wood was serving as the city manager pro temp since April.
It the meeting last month, Mayor Cathy Clark asked how Hare would approach the job after an unexpected departure.
“What heals is consistent leadership from the council,” Hare said. “What you are asking your city manager to do is hold staff accountable for good performance.”