Virtual ‘open house’ set for Wheatland improvements

If you drive, walk, bike, bus, live or work along Wheatland Road North, the City of Keizer wants to hear from you.

Keizer Public works and the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG) are hosting a virtual open house beginning Feb. 15.

“Public participation is a critical element in the study, as we want to know what residents of Keizer and other stakeholders believe are the priority issues and needs along the corridor,” said Mike Jaffee, transportation planning director at MWVCOG.

Residents can view information on existing conditions and possible improvements at: There is a link to a survey residents can use to respond with their thoughts on potential projects.

The information is available now and residents can offer comment for the next few weeks.

The goal of the Wheatland Road Corridor Study is to develop a multimodal corridor plan and conceptual street design that removes barriers for all modes of travel, considers the latest urban safety improvements for pedestrians, bicycles, and transit facilities while creating an enjoyable experience for all users.