City parks survey online

The City of Keizer is updating its Parks Master Plan and residents are encouraged to fill out an online survey that will inform how local parks are developed into the future. 

The survey can be found at Anyone who completes the survey will be entered to win a $50 gift card. 

As much as what residents would like to see in their local park, Keizer Public Works Director Bill Lawyer wants to know what type of offerings are desired in a potential recreation program. 

A parks services fee approved by the city council in 2017 has been a boon to local parks in the city. The additional funding has permitted updates of paths and equipment throughout the system. The city is still catching up on a long to-do list, but Lawyer can now see the day when a recreation programs comes within reach. 

“The parks services fee allows us to do things, and consider doing things, I never dreamed we would be able to do,” Lawyer said. “It’s exciting to be part of that.”

As to what form a recreation program would take, he’s almost entirely open. 

“It might be programs for adults and kids and it could range from classes to more athletic interests,” Lawyer said. “The only thing I would rather the city not get involved in is running youth sports programs.” 

The personnel capacity running a youth sports program would probably still lie outside the city’s grasp – even if inter-league politics weren’t a factor.

Portland-based MIG, Inc. is consulting with the city on the project.