To the Editor:
I am writing in support of Laura Reid for Position 1 on the Keizer City Council.
Laura is exactly the type of candidate we want representing us. She has served us well during her first four years through quiet, thoughtful deliberation and a strong working knowledge of the issues facing our city. Now we have the advantage of her experience as she seeks her second term.
Laura is a long term Keizer resident. She has a unique view into our community through the eyes of her McNary students where she has taught for many years. In addition she has been actively involved with Keizer Homegrown Theater and the Keizer Heritage Foundation. I have worked with Laura in these venues for the past four years. She shows up! Every time! Every meeting! She can be relied upon to follow through on her commitments. She is not a lobbyist, an activist or seeking higher office. She exemplifies what I feel is the perfect city councilor—a neighbor helping neighbors. Laura has earned our support and a second term and we are so fortunate that she is willing to continue to serve.
I voted for Laura and you should too!
Lore Christopher