To the Editor:
A generation ago Keizer was founded with the motto, “Pride, Spirit and Volunteerism.”
Dylan Juran’s life has been shaped by that motto. He and his wife grew up, went to school, married, bought their first house in Keizer and want their children be the next Keizer generation. Now he is running for City Council.
A member of the Parks Board for five years, Dylan has actively been involved in the Keizer community since high school. His experience there, mentoring at-risk Claggett Middle School students, later led him to co-found a non-profit organization, Satellite Gaming, which focuses on engaging disconnected youth through video games. It also underscored, for him, necessity of intentional inclusion for all members of the Keizer community.
His background in technology is relevant to his understanding of the necessity and requirements of remote learning/working for our post-pandemic world.
Recently someone shared this comment with me, “If you are over 45 and you don’t have an under 30 mentor—not mentee—then you are going to miss fundamental shifts in thinking that are happening today”
Dylan has the tools and perspective to contribute significantly to the city council. He has benefited from Keizer’s beginnings, is participating in its present and is uniquely qualified to shape its future.
Linda Baker