
Grassroots Government: The Keizer Planning Commission

• Approval of a development code amendment to pertaining to multiple accessory dwellingunits on single access easements. With a new focus on ADUs throughout the state, Keizer is one of many cities making sure no one trips over unseen obstacles. 

The changes to the development code would prohibit ADUs from being classified as dwelling units within an easement. For example, if a easement qualified for three single-family homes and one owner hoped to build an ADU, it wouldn’t be allowed under the current code. The change prevents that from happening. 

• A second change approved at the meeting lowers the requirements for streetscaping. Currently, the city requires two trees on any lot of 45 feet or more, but it has proven to be a challenge on some lots due to interference with neighbors and utilities. 

The approved change required only one tree on lots with less than 60 feet of frontage. 

Commissioner Frank Hostler asked for a friendly amendment to attach a list of approved trees for streetscapes. 

“The reason I ask is that, as it moves forward, there is the potential of trees being added that lift the sidewalk and then the home owners are hit with the bill,” Hostler said. 

The motion maker and second, both declined. 

“I have nightmares about the government telling private property owners what they can and cannot plant,” said Commissioner Garry Whalen.