Through Saturday, August 17
Jest a Second! at the Pentacle Theatre. This comedy is suitable for teenage and older audiences who can handle its adult themes. The show is at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday. Visit for more details.
Friday, August 2
Free Summer Concert Series presents saxophonist Patrick Lamb. Keizer Rotary Amphitheater at Keizer Rapids Park. Concert starts at 6:30 p.m. No outside food or beverage. No pets allowed in amphitheater.
Ribbon cutting, 11 a.m., to re-open the historic lower terrace and arbor at Deepwood Museum and Gardens, 849 12th Street SE, Salem. Home and garden tours available. Usual garden tour and home prices apply.
Friday, August 2 – Sunday, August 4
56th annual Woodburn Fiesta Mexicana, Legion Park, 1385 Park Ave. Food, entertainment, carnival, car show, soccer tournament and parade.
Homer Davenport Community Festival, a celebration of illustration and cartooning. Visit for more details.
Saturday, August 3
Artists’ reception for August exhibit, Celebrate America, Keizer Art Association’s Enid Joy Mount Gallery, 2-4 p.m. Keizer Cultural Center, 980 Chemawa Rd NE. Show continues throughout August. See for more details.
Free Summer Concert Series presents blues artist, Ty Curtis. Keizer Rotary Amphitheater at Keizer Rapids Park. Concert starts at 6:30 p.m. No outside food or beverage. No pets allowed in amphitheater.
Cash at the Grand. Audience participation Johnny Cash tribute band, 7 p.m. $20.
Salem’s 2019 Pride in the Park, Salem Riverfront Park Amphitheater, 11 a.m, free admission, additional information found at
Family Building Blocks Riverfront Family Fest, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., free to attend, family friendly activities and events, visit
Keizer/Salem Area Seniors Saturday Night Dance & Potluck from 7 – 10 p.m. 930 Plymouth Drive N.E., Keizer. Admission is $5. Featuring music by Charles and the Angels.
Saturday, August 3 – Sunday, August 4
Final weekend for The Great Oregon Steam-up at Powerland Heritage Park on Brooklake Road NE. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Admission is $15. Visit
Hoopla XXI 3×3 Basketball Tournament, State Capitol State Park. Hoopla is the premier 3×3 basketball event in Oregon. For information visit
Sunday, August 4 – Thursday, August 8
Countryside Christian Church, 5775 McLeod Lane NE, Vacation Bible School, singing, Bible education, interactive learning, recreational activities, free to register (
Monday, August 5 – Friday, August 9
Enlightened Theatrics presents its 2019 Youth Summer Camp, featuring scenes and musical numbers from Honk Jr! Camp runs from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. every day with a recital at 6 p.m. on Friday night.
Keizer Christian Church Bible Adventure Week (VBS) ‘To Mars and Beyond.” 6945 Wheatland Rd. N. 503-393-6843.
Tuesday, August 6
National Night Out. Block parties throughout Keizer to foster neighborhood security. 6 to 9 p.m.
Wednesday, August 7
Bingo at Keizer/Salem Area Seniors, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Admission is $5.50. Chance to win monetary prizes, free game cards, and daubers.
Friday, August 9
Jesus Our Jubilee Church presents Friday Night Flicks on the 2nd and the last Friday each month. The family-friendly movies are open to the community. Popcorn (free refills) and drinks are for sale. 7 – 9 p.m. at Jesus Our Jubilee Church, Baker Plaza, 128 Chemawa Road N.
Saturday, August 10
Free Summer Concert Series presents rock band JFK. Keizer Rotary Amphitheatre at Keizer Rapids Park. Concert starts at 6:30 p.m. No outside food or beverage. No pets allowed in amphitheatre.
Community BBQ at John Knox Presbyterian Church, 452 Cummings Lane N, Keizer, at 5 p.m.